Leapin’ lizards: Green anole is not a true chameleon

The Carolina anole (Anolis carolinensis), commonly called the green anole, is native to the United States and is the most common lizard found in Florida in both urban and rural areas. Some call it a chameleon because of its ability to change colors, but it is not a chameleon.
And actually, a true chameleon is not found in the Americas (except in pet stores) – and although a chameleon may display a greater range of color – some of them hardly change color at all!
The Carolina anole is actually the only type of lizard that is capable of changing color, from bright green to various shades of brown. This change in color depends on temperature, humidity, mood, and overall health of the lizard. When green, they are active and usually in bright light.
They change to brown when they reduce their activity and when they are in moist and cool conditions. Therefore, their color is not necessarily a reflection of their background.
This industrious lizard can be seen in the trees, in your garden, perched on a fence post, or even on your roof – just wherever a meal might be caught is where you will find one. But at the same time, they must keep a close eye out so they don’t become a meal themselves.
Breeding season begins as early as April and normally ends in late September. The male will court a female until two successful mating opportunities. If the female is ready to mate, she will let the male catch her and he will then grasp her by the back of the neck. Then in about two to four weeks, the female will lay her first clutch of eggs, which usually consists of one to two soft-shelled eggs.
During the breeding season, she can produce about ten eggs every two weeks. She will then bury the eggs in a shallow depression in soft soil or leaf litter, your compost bins, rotting wood, or even in a hole in a nearby tree. Eggs will be left to incubate in the heat of the sun and will hatch in about five to seven weeks, from late May to early October. Once hatched, the little ones are left to fend for themselves, being ever so careful not to be eaten by birds and other lizards.
The males can range between five to eight inches in length – including the tail. If you see one with a short tail, something tried to catch and eat it.
Extremely territorial, the male will extend its dewlap in an effort to run an intruder off. If this does not work, they can also do a head bobbing movement and erect the crest along its back. The dewlap is the red extension on the male’s throat, which is usually visible when they are agitated by another male (females have white dewlaps).
Usually, territory disputes are settled by the loser performing a submissive head bobbing gesture, and it will then retreat to another territory. Though their territory is not very big, it is protected with great tenacity. I have even seem them fight on a car’s side mirror!
The green anole is diurnal and active throughout the year. Only really cold weather will send them looking for shelter under wood or a pot, which allows them to ride out the cold weather. Several seem to find shelter in and around my greenhouse.
The green anole, whether it is happy green or cool brown, I hope to always see in my garden and greenhouse.
Although they can make a great pet, the anole can do much more for you in the wild, as their main diet is bugs. This includes crickets, grasshoppers, spiders, flies, you name it – if they can get their mouth on it, it’s a meal. And although they have a love for bugs, birdseed is certainly not out of the question!
So give them safe passage in your yard – by doing so, you will have yet another defense for all those pesky bugs that plague you every year!
Kathy Kinsey is a Master Gardener volunteer with UF/IFAS Leon County Extension. For gardening questions, email us at AskAMasterGardener@ifas.ufl.edu.