Rabbits are adorable companions, but like all pets, they are susceptible to certain diseases that can impact their wellbeing. According to Apex Vets, the most effective ways to protect your furry friend is through vaccination.
In this article, we’ll explore the significance of rabbit vaccination, the common diseases they are at risk of, and why it’s essential to book a rabbit vaccination appointment with our veterinary practice in Denny right away if your rabbit is overdue or hasn’t had one yet.
The team at Apex Vets wholeheartedly agree that rabbit vaccinations are a vital aspect of responsible ownership, providing several benefits for your furry friend:
At Apex Vets, our vets know only too well the devastating prognosis of these two killer diseases:
Myxomatosis is a viral disease transmitted by fleas and mosquitoes. It causes swelling and discharge around the eyes, nose, and genitals, leading to severe illness. Vaccination against myxomatosis is essential for all pet rabbits.
Rabbit Viral Haemorrhagic Disease (RVHD):
RVHD is a highly contagious and often fatal viral infection that affects the liver and other organs. There are two strains of RVHD – RVHD1 and RVHD2. Vaccination against both strains is recommended to ensure comprehensive protection.
Good news, all 3 of these (Myxomatosis, RVHD1 and RVHD2) can all be vaccinated by one single injection during one vet visit!
Don’t delay, book a rabbit vaccination today.
To help ensure your adorable companion enjoys a happy, healthy, and hop-filled life, protect them against these deadly contagious diseases now. Book a rabbit vaccination appointment with our veterinary practice in Winchester Avenue, Denny.