This article was co-authored by Jamie Freyer, DVM. Dr. Jamie Freyer is a Licensed Doctor of Veterinary Medicine based in Washington. With over ten years of experience in clinical practice and industry, she specializes in veterinary medicine and surgery, animal behavior, and animal genetics. Dr. Freyer holds a BS in Life Science from The University of Portland and a DVM from Oregon State University.
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Rabbits are shy and nervous little creatures. Because they are hunted in the wild by animals and people, they will need a lot of encouragement and socialization to become friendly. This tutorial will tell you what to look for and how to act when Mister bunny is upset.
Adapt your behavior. Your rabbit is a fragile animal and is easily scared. Your voice or the screams of your children might be interpreted as a danger by the animal.[1] Rapid movements are often mistaken for a predator's attack.
- Never scream at the rabbit. It will be terrified and may mistrust you in the future.
- Some rabbits liked to be carried, others hate it. If you can't make your animal relaxed in your arms, leave him/her alone.
- If it's essential to pick the rabbit up, such as to remove it from harm, then hold the rabbit in a towel to avoid getting your arms scratched and to help the rabbit feel safe.
- Rabbits are easily overwhelmed if there are too many people in the same room.
- Avoid loud music and flashing lights. Your rabbit needs peace and quiet.
- On the other hand, if your rabbit is scared, play some calming classical music. This will help them to calm down and feel more at rest.
Offer physical reassurance. Gently hold your rabbit and pet it. Stroke the rabbit's head on the top, near the base of its ears. Keep your fingers at the top of the rabbit's head so it cannot nip you. Speak to the rabbit soothingly and kindly.
- Try to establish a regular routine of petting and talking to your rabbit.
- Remember that some rabbits dislike being stroked on the nose, belly or underneath their chin.
- Covering the rabbit's eyes can help reduce fear. While stroking the rabbit, gently cover its eyes with your hands.[2] However, some rabbits don't like this. If your rabbit doesn't quiet down after a few minutes, slowly remove your hand.
- If your rabbit is scared from loud noises around you, cover your rabbit's ears with your hand while stroking him/her or covering his/her eyes.
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Entertain your rabbit. If your rabbit is nervous, give it its favourite toy and play hard. Agitation can be a sign of boredom or lack of intellectual stimulation.[3]
- Give a piece of rabbit wood bought at the pet shop. Your animal will be very tempted to chew it and it's excellent for its teeth.
- If the rabbit doesn't show any interest for the game, stop after a few minutes and look for what's stressing it.
Offer your rabbit a treat. Bunnies can rarely resist a piece of fruit or a slice of carrot. If your rabbit is scared, give him/her their favorite food to calm them. Don't do it too often to avoid obesity.
- Put a small piece of fruit on your hand and approach your rabbit gently. The rabbit will slowly understand that humans can be trusted.
- Never offer them sweets or bread. Avoid tomato leaves and potatoes. They are highly toxic for rabbits.
Go to the veterinarian. If there is no apparent danger and you have tried everything to quiet your rabbit down, take him/her to a professional for help. Your rabbit might be ill and would benefit from a check-up.
- Ask your veterinarian to make a visit to your house. There is no need to add more stress to your rabbit with a car ride.
- Don't medicate your rabbit without having consulted a specialist. You might kill your animal.
- If you have more than one pet, quarantine the agitated rabbit to avoid contagion.
- Wash your hands and take care of your personal hygiene. If you haven't been vaccinated against rabies and have been bitten by your rabbit, immediately go to the hospital.[4]
- Also wash your hands before handling the rabbit to get rid of the smell of cats, dogs, or other animals you have touched which predate on rabbits.
Understand the clues. Your pet might not know how to speak but it will give you important visual clues when upset. These clues are subtle and you will need to be observant and know your animal's usual behaviour to spot the signs of agitation or fear. Look for the following:[5]
- Hiding in its den and refusing to get out.
- A sudden change of behaviour. Your rabbit becomes aggressive or wants to hide.
- Chewing the bars of its cage.
- Over-grooming or changing its toileting habits.
- Over-eating and over-drinking.
- Refusing to move or circling its cage.
- Stomping his/her hind legs[6]
- Wide eyes
Check for predators. Your rabbit is usually upset for a good reason. It doesn't want to be turned into a meal! Cats and dogs can kill a rabbit easily and should be kept away.[7] There are many other animals, depending on where you live, which constitute a danger for your pet.
- The most common predators, aside cats and dogs, are foxes, ferrets and all birds of prey.[8]
- Rabbits have an excellent sense of smell.[9] They might identify a danger before you. If you're outside with your rabbit and (s)he looks afraid, don't take any chance. Take your rabbit in your arms and place him/her in a safe place.
- If your rabbit has been chased by another animal, bring him/her to safety and reassure him/her.
Adjust their environment. Rabbits are herbivores and are not equipped to fight back hunters.[10] Their strategy is to hide as quickly as possible in a dark and secured place. You need to make sure that they can access a safe place at all times.[11]
- Have an artificial tunnel in the cage and/or in the room where the rabbit plays. You can find one in a good pet shop. A cardboard box that is larger than your rabbit makes a good hidey too.
- If they go out, make sure that they have a place to hide but don't let them escape.
Expert Q&A
QuestionHow do you tell if a rabbit is stressed?Jamie Freyer, DVMDr. Jamie Freyer is a Licensed Doctor of Veterinary Medicine based in Washington. With over ten years of experience in clinical practice and industry, she specializes in veterinary medicine and surgery, animal behavior, and animal genetics. Dr. Freyer holds a BS in Life Science from The University of Portland and a DVM from Oregon State University.
Licensed VeterinarianThey'll take one of their back legs and make a big sound on the ground. So that can sometimes give you an idea that you know something's going on in the environment that might be stressful to them. Try and find out what that is, and see if you can fix that. -
QuestionHow can I help my stressed rabbit?Jamie Freyer, DVMDr. Jamie Freyer is a Licensed Doctor of Veterinary Medicine based in Washington. With over ten years of experience in clinical practice and industry, she specializes in veterinary medicine and surgery, animal behavior, and animal genetics. Dr. Freyer holds a BS in Life Science from The University of Portland and a DVM from Oregon State University.
Licensed VeterinarianIf you don't cradle the bunny, they can struggle so hard that they can break their backs. So it's really important to make sure that you know how to pick them up appropriately. Sometimes you can calm them if you put them in what we call a bunny burrito. -
QuestionMy rabbit was abused in the past. Will he learn to trust someone else?Pippa Elliott, MRCVSDr. Elliott, BVMS, MRCVS is a veterinarian with over 30 years of experience in veterinary surgery and companion animal practice. She graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1987 with a degree in veterinary medicine and surgery. She has worked at the same animal clinic in her hometown for over 20 years.
VeterinarianYes, but you need to be especially patient and understanding. It takes time to build new associations with people and forget about the past. Be sure to give him a couple of different shelters to hide in, as rabbits cope with stress by hiding. Then, when the world is quiet, he's more likely to summon the courage to come out. Try sitting on the floor near him while you read a book. This will help him grow used to your presence. Offer him tasty treats such as dandelions or parsley, but don't force attention on him. When you handle him, sit on the floor and use a towel, so that you don't get scratched and he can't fall far if he wriggles.
Sometimes a female rabbit might behave aggressively when trying to protect its babies.Thanks
- ↑ Jamie Freyer, DVM. Licensed Veterinarian. Expert Interview. 7 December 2021.
- ↑ Jamie Freyer, DVM. Licensed Veterinarian. Expert Interview. 7 December 2021.
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- ↑ Jamie Freyer, DVM. Licensed Veterinarian. Expert Interview. 7 December 2021.
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About This Article
To calm a rabbit, try gently petting it on the top of its head near the bottom of its ears. As you do this, speak reassuringly to the rabbit. Alternatively, you could try giving it something to play with, such as a piece of rabbit wood it can chew on. Additionally, offer your rabbit its favorite food as a treat, such as a slice of apple or carrot. You should also be conscious of your behavior around the rabbit, including by avoiding screaming or making loud noises. To find out how to tell if your rabbit is scared and when you should speak to a vet, keep reading!
Reader Success Stories
"Great pictures and truly informative. Truly love my rabbit Midnight but had a scare from mate's dog. Midnight loves me cuddling him and singing/praying with him. Midnight is now in good form but for 3 days was very runny and not interested in his nuts or greens. So this was great. Thanks. "..." more